Meeting Minutes for August 11, 2010
Historic Amsterdam League Meeting Minutes
City of Amsterdam Common Council Chambers
August 11, 2010
7:00 PM
1. The meeting was called to order by Robert von Hasseln. Approximately 25 persons were in attendance.
2. Minutes of the July 8, 2010 meeting were reviewed and unanimously approved.
3. A discussion of bylaws and officers was held. Bylaws were not yet drafted. It was agreed and voted upon that the following officers would be established: President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. The Rules Committee will prepare bylaws for the next meeting.
4. Election of officers was held. The following were unanimously elected to fill the role of officers.
- President – Robert von Hasseln
- Vice President – Gerald Snyder
- Secretary – Nick Zabawsky
- Treasurer – Betty Clough
5. Diane Smith brought up the idea of preserving historic artifacts, that many people simply dispose of old items, many of which are of historic value. It was agreed than an Artifacts Committee will be formed, as a subcommittee of the Historic Preservation Committee to scout opportunities to preserve artifacts and find a suitable means of disposition for those artifacts, such as the Elwood Museum, Fort Johnson, private owners, etc. This subcommittee is also charged with its own rules of operation. Diane Smith will chair the Artifacts Committee.
6. The matter of annual dues was discussed. The following motion was unanimously
approved. “A regular membership will be $20 and a student or senior membership will
be $15. The Membership Committee will be charged with the responsibility of providing
any further elaboration, including the creating of different levels of membership to reflect
greater financial contribution to the organization.”
7. Promotion of the organization was discussed. It was agreed that the following will be
undertaken to promote the HAL – a link on the City’s website, appearance at a Rotary
Club luncheon, outreach to the school district, appearance on local radio shows.
8. A “Dream List” was developed, which is a compilation of goals that members would like to see for the organization. The list, in no particular order is as follows:
- Guy Park Avenue Historic Disctict, Including Signs, Plaques, Historic
- Designation, and Regulations to Preserve and Enhance Historic Character
- Neighborhood Walks/ Area Tours
- Chuctanunda Creek Historic Greenway
- Historic Parts Warehouse
- Oral Histories
- Photographic Catalog of Buildings prior to Demolition
- NYS Historical Markers
- School Historic Essay Contest
- Historic Theme Christmas Ornaments
- Downtown Trolley Tours
- SUNY Internships – History of Amsterdam
- Industry and Technology Museum
- History of Your House Program
- Dove Creek/Sassafras Area Improvements
- Historic Neighborhoods of Amsterdam/Board of Trade Annual Dinner/Fundraiser
9. The next meeting was set for September 15th at 7:00 PM. The meeting was adjourned at 8:25 PM.