2016 Postcards – Amsterdam’s Reid & Park Hills

The 2016 sixth annual HAL series of six Amsterdam postcards includes one antique reprint – the Kelloggs Dam on the Chuctanunda at the Kelloggs & Miller Linseed Oil Mills, one photo postcard from a 1930s print showing a New York Central locomotive on the AC&N RR headed for the Sanford Carpet Mills, and four contemporary views of the Paper Mill Dam, Vrooman Ave. School, St. John’s Church, and a mill canyon in the Sanford complex.


Use the year links below to view HAL’s Amsterdam postcards from other years



Mail Orders

Complete postcard sets (1 each of all 6 designs) may be ordered for $6.00 each, postage and sales tax included, directly from HAL by sending your order and payment to:

Historic Amsterdam League

P.O. Box 132

Amsterdam, NY 12010


Individual cards may be ordered for $1.00 each, plus $1.00 for postage and sales tax (up to 6 cards). If ordering individual cards, please be sure to specify the design number as identified above (Example: 2016-4 for Kelloggs Dam) and the quantity of each design desired.

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