2011 Postcards – Heart of Amsterdam

The 2011 inaugural HAL series of six Amsterdam postcards includes one antique reprint of lower Church Street circa 1900 and five contemporary views – today’s lower Church Street, the East Main Street business district, the Amsterdam Free Library,  the Chuctanunda Creek and Kirk Douglas Park, and the Sanford family plot and mausoleum in Green Hill Cemetery.  True to original postal card design, these cards are blank on the reverse.


Use the year links below to view HAL’s Amsterdam postcards from other years



Mail Orders

Complete postcard sets (1 each of all 6 designs) may be ordered for $6.00 each, postage and sales tax included, directly from HAL by sending your order and payment to:

Historic Amsterdam League

P.O. Box 132

Amsterdam, NY 12010


Individual cards may be ordered for $1.00 each, plus $1.00 for postage and sales tax (up to 6 cards). If ordering individual cards, please be sure to specify the design number as identified above (Example: 2011-2 for Chuctanunda Creek) and the quantity of each design desired.

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