2019 Postcards – Amsterdam’s Architecture

The 2019 eighth annual HAL series of six Amsterdam postcards includes one antique reprint – a view of the distinctive Second Empire style Odd Fellows Temple on Division Street, an antique photo postcard from an original John Arthur Maney photograph of the Market Street Donlon Flatiron Building, and four contemporary original photograph views of Sanford’s Clock Tower Building, St. Ann’s Episcopal Church, the beautifully restored Itanianate style Kellogg Mansion, and the Farmers Bank building with two historic view insets.


Use the year links below to view HAL’s Amsterdam postcards from other years



Mail Orders

Complete postcard sets (1 each of all 6 designs) may be ordered for $6.00 each, postage and sales tax included, directly from HAL by sending your order and payment to:

Historic Amsterdam League

P.O. Box 132

Amsterdam, NY 12010


Individual cards may be ordered for $1.00 each, plus $1.00 for postage and sales tax (up to 6 cards). If ordering individual cards, please be sure to specify the design number as identified above (Example: 2019-5 for Clock Tower Building) and the quantity of each design desired.

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