Historic Amsterdam League Meeting Schedule


The 2020 schedule of meetings of the

Historic Amsterdam League

and associated meeting information is provided below.


Regular Membership Meetings:

- 15 January 2020
- 15 April 2020 – Annual Meeting and Elections
- 15 July 2020
- 21 October 2020


Board of Trustees Meetings:

- 19 February 2020
- 18 March 2020 – Cancelled
- 20 May 2020
- 17 June 2020
- 19 August 2020
- 16 September 2020
- 18 November 2020
- 16 December 2020


Annual Meeting:

Election of officers and trustees, and conduct of other business required by the Bylaws and other establishing documents on an annual/biennial basis will be at the April regular membership meeting.  The next elections will be in 2020.


Day, Time, and Location of, and Attendance at, Regular Membership and Board of Trustees Meetings:

Membership meetings will start at 6:00 PM, 3rd Wednesday of the month, at Amsterdam City Hall, 61 Church Street, on the dates shown above unless otherwise announced.  Schedule and/or location changes will be posted to the website Welcome page and notification provided to members by E-mail.

Trustee meetings will start at 6:00 PM on the dates shown above (typically the 3rd Wednesday of the month), in the Annex Building at Amsterdam City Hall, 61 Church Street unless otherwise announced.  Any member who wishes to attend a Board of Trustees meeting may do so at any time.  Schedule and/or location changes will be posted to the website Welcome page and notification provided to Trustees by E-mail.


Committee Meetings:

Committee meetings will be at the direction of the respective committee chairs.


Other Information:

An informational or entertainment program and refreshments will typically be included at each regular membership meeting.

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