Membership Application for the Historic Amsterdam League

No super powers or cape required to join this league, just an interest in the history of Amsterdam and the belief that a key to its future lies in remembering, honoring, and building upon its past.

To submit your membership application you may either:

  • Print out a hard copy here, fill it in, and mail it by regular mail, or
  • Fill in the form below and submit it electronically.

You may submit your dues by regular mail, pay them from your PayPal account here, or better yet, why not come to the next meeting and deliver them in-person! The Membership levels and dues schedule are shown in the FAQ section of the website and on the hardcopy form (link above).

Historic Amsterdam League, PO Box 132, Amsterdam, N.Y. 12010

Historic Amsterdam League Membership Application
*Please include this information, the other fields are optional



Thank You, and Welcome to the Historic Amsterdam League!

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