WHEREAS, The Sanford Mansion/Amsterdam City Hall is a priceless historic and architectural treasure, whose grounds and building encapsulate over 210 years of history from the first settling of the City, and is a symbolic birthright of the City and its people; and,

WHEREAS, It is the duty of any government to preserve, protect, and prompt the civic heritage and identity, both as a core function and as a means to promote the civil wellbeing, especially when a key component is and has been in its physical possession; That this principle is not subject to any economic threshold or political convenience; and,

WHEREAS, The building’s placement on the National and State Registers of Historic Places provides no guarantee that the building and grounds will remain intact or even extant  should they be sold into private hands; and,

WHEREAS, The City has already suffered much destruction of its urban fabric and physical heritage for shortsighted improvements that actually harmed the City more than they helped, any further risk of loss would be intolerable and evidence that as a City we cannot turn away from policies of abandonment, avoidance, and deterioration, and,

WHEREAS, Whatever savings might accrue from relocation (and these remain to be demonstrated, as well as to the degree other cost saving measures and revenue could substitute for them), there is no price tag on a moral obligation we have already assumed, especially when much of the cost is directly due to a lack of municipal stewardship in the past. We reject any suggestion that abandoning our responsibility now is the only way to lower costs, and especially, that selling City Hall and renting is the only way to provide for other essential services.

BE IT RESOLVED THAT, The Historic Amsterdam League holds that relocation of City Hall would be undue, unwise, and unwarranted. The League is fundamentally opposed to any relocation of the Amsterdam City Hall from its present location, and pledges itself, as individuals and as an organization, to resist such an action, and;

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT, Historic Amsterdam League pledges itself, as individuals and as an organization, to work with any willing party or member(s) of the City Government to find ways and means to reduce City Hall operating costs and to provide for its regular and effective maintenance in the future, and;

BE IT ALSO FURTHER RESOLVED THAT, A delegation of this organization be directed to present a copy of this resolution and any related resolutions to the Common Council of the City of Amsterdam, at the earliest mutual convenience.

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