Join us for


Quarterly Membership Meeting

6:00 PM Wed., Jan. 15th, Common Council Chambers, Amsterdam City Hall








Now you can pay your HAL dues with your PayPal account.


Click here for details





The Key to the Future is the Past


Welcome to HAL!

Welcome to the Historic Amsterdam League (HAL) web site. The Historic Amsterdam League was established in July of 2010 in conjunction with the celebration of the 125th anniversary of the 1885 chartering of the City of Amsterdam, N.Y.  HAL is a nonprofit and nonpartisan citizen based 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to the preservation, promotion, and protection of the physical, cultural, and natural heritage of the City of Amsterdam N. Y.


Please take a few minutes to explore our site, check out our publications, drop us a note, ask us a question, explore the links, and make yourself at home.  If you like what you see and believe that history and heritage aren’t just what happened yesterday, but are the road that led us to where we are today and the path that can show us the way to tomorrow, consider joining us on that journey - we’d be honored to welcome you as HAL’s newest member!




Join HAL Now!

Click here for membership application




Largest book yet – 56 pages with full color 8 page center gallery


Met the actors, artists, musicians, dancers, writers and other practitioners of the arts with “home town connections” in the 10th addition to the Amsterdam book series celebrating the culture, history, and heritage of our city.  Learn their stories and discover and enjoy their works.


Click here for Details


Available by mail and with PayPal




Click here for Details


Available by Mail and with PayPal





The first proposal for an arterial system for Amsterdam “to improve traffic flow” was presented in 1954.  It would be twelve years later before the demolitions that forever transformed our city began.  Many of these were chronicled in a series of illustrated newspaper articles which appeared in 1966-1967 as the Arterial Scrapbook, photos of individual buildings and street scenes with capsule histories dotted with nostalgia and memories;  some included more extensive accompanying stories.  Today, these Arterial Scrapbook articles are in many cases the sole reminders that these places, these pieces of our history, ever existed.  And a link to the past which, itself, could easily remain unknown or be forgotten.



This section of the Historic Amsterdam League website compiles all 60+ articles of the Arterial Scrapbook  in one place, the only time they have appeared together.  Two viewing formats are available, allowing travel through the series by either time or space.  Additional period and current aerial and area photographs provide context and orientation whether recalling the Amsterdam you knew or discovering the Amsterdam before your time.




Click below to flip through the






All of the HAL Neighborhood Tour Companion Booklets from 2011-2019 are Still Available!

Through a special arrangement with the original printer HAL has been able to obtain limited run reprints of those neighborhood tour booklets which were previously out of stock.  All nine prior years, 2011 through 2019, are now available.





2011 – The Heart of Amsterdam

2012 -Amsterdam’s South Side

2013 – Amsterdam’s West End

2014 – Amsterdam’s Rockton

2015 – Amsterdam’s Old Town

2016 – Amsterdam’s Reid & Park Hills

2017 – Amsterdam’s East End

2018 – Amsterdam’s Northern Neighborhoods

2019 – Amsterdam’s Architecture

A second chance to complete your collection!

Click here for Details



HAL’s Amsterdam Postcard Series now includes 48 scenes

In the late 19th and early 20th centuries there were literally hundreds of postcards of Amsterdam printed.

These cards were a source of civic pride and showed friends, relatives, and acquaintances worldwide that “this is Amsterdam”. Few cards of Amsterdam were produced in recent years until the Historic Amsterdam League initiated production of annual sets in conjunction with the neighborhood tour programs. The HAL series now includes 48 cards – six more are on the way for 2018 – and it will continue to grow through the coming years.   Get the set for “your” part of the city, start or add to your HAL postcard collection, or just pick up an individual card or two to send out into the world and once again announce that

“This is Amsterdam”.

Click the links below for details and ordering information

2011 – The Heart of Amsterdam

2012 – Amsterdam’s South Side

2013 – Amsterdam’s West End

2014 – Amsterdam’s Rockton

2015 – Amsterdam’s Old Town

2016 – Amsterdam’s Reid & Park Hills

2017 – Amsterdam’s East End

2018 – Amsterdam’s Northern Neighborhoods (coming soon)

2019 – Amsterdam’s Architecture


Still Available

2011 HAL “Heart of Amsterdam”

Special Postal Cancellations

Click here for details




Amsterdam Icons Calendars 2012-2021

(Amsterdam Icons was not produced for 2020)



Each year from 2012 to 2021 (except 2020) the Historic Amsterdam League introduced a new Amsterdam Icons calendar for the coming year themed to some aspect of Amsterdam history. Accompanying each monthly illustration was a brief paragraph providing pertinent information and historic facts; the centerfold continued the annual theme with additional relevant text and/or pictures. Scattered throughout the monthly date listings, in addition to the usual holidays and observances, were important, entertaining, and often little known dates from local history. Many editions with their frame-worthy pictures were sell-outs and quickly became collector items.


Copies of several year Amsterdam Icons calendars are still available.


Click here for Details


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