Meeting Minutes for November 17, 2010

Historic Amsterdam League Trustees Meeting Minutes

City of Amsterdam Annex Building Meeting Room

November 17, 2010

7:00 PM

1. Call to Order

  • The meeting was called to order by Robert von Hasseln. Nine persons were in attendance including Trustees von Hasslen, Snyder, Clough, Lange, Nelson, Baranello and Zabawsky. New members were welcomed.
  • Since this is the first meeting of the Trustees as opposed to the general membership, minutes of the October membership meeting will be reviewed for approval at the next membership meeting on January 19, 2011.

2. Old Business

  • Robert von Hasseln discussed the concept of honorary members and other Trustees. Several potential honorary members and possible additional trustees will be contacted by those in attendance.
  • Several means of enhancing membership were discussed. The first was the development of a brochure, which Rob von Hasseln will work on. Ann Peconie indicated that Elwood has a photography collection which could be used for the brochure. The second was speaking engagements at other local organizations to promote HAL. Several in attendance agreed to approach organizations such as Rotary, Kiwanis, etc with regard to this effort.
  • Status of several programs was discussed. Gerry Snyder indicated that a “first draft” of the website will be available very soon. Betty Clough discussed efforts regarding the City Hall Rose Garden. Jackie Murphy discussed various options for a walking tour, which could include Church Street, the Green Hill Cemetery, and Guy Park Avenue. A Board of Trade Dinner and its setting (time period) was discussed, along with a time of year to hold the event, tentatively scheduled for May.

3. New Business

  • Preparations for the 1st annual meeting were reviewed. Plans are to hold the annual meeting in the Lobby of City Hall, on January 19th at 6:30 PM with refreshments to be served. Various persons in attendance agreed to bring snacks and refreshments. The concept of having speakers at each membership meeting was discussed. Rob von Hasseln will prepare a presentation as part of the annual meeting.
  • Discussion of potential plans to move City government out of City Hall was held. There was general concern about the fate of the Sanford Mansion is such a case, as well as a full and accurate assessment of the costs of such a move by the City, and the suitability of alternate sites. Rob von Hasseln presented an number of issues that need to be raised in public discussion of this process.

4. Announcements

  • Old Fort Johnson will hold its Christmas event on Saturday and Sunday December 4th and 5th.
  • WHMT will present the video “Our Town: Amsterdam” on television on Thursday, November 18 at 7:30 PM.

5. Next Meeting

  • The next meeting of the Trustees will be held on Wednesday, December 15, 2010 at 7:00 PM.

6. Adjournment

  • The meeting was adjourned at 8:20 PM.

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